Figuring all of this out…

I had forgotten what a chore it is to set up a WordPress site. I’m sure that professionals have much better ways of doing all this. I am slowly working my way through this and getting a little more comfortable with the process. There are a lot of things left to do though.

I moved my original post over to an About page and added a little more context to it since that post was mostly an introduction to what I am trying to accomplish here.

What brought me to this point and gave me the idea to attempt this was a bulk purchase I made from someone I met on Facebook. There were several DIY modules that had been started or half built. These included a couple that I have finished already – Erica Synths DIY BBD / Flanger and a Thomas White Dual LPG. The Erica Synths module was more or less complete, but had some small issues that I corrected. The Dual LPG, on the other hand, was only half built. I finished it and still had issues with the half that I completed. Eventually, I tried replacing two vactrols and this got it to a point where I am happy with it. The only problem is that the two halves respond and sound slightly different because of the vactrol differences. The vactrols all have the same part numbers, but they are different brands and from different times.

I also had a look at a module that I had never heard of called Miasma, made by someone called Sin Phi. As I searched for clues about this module, I discovered that it is a slight redesign of the Befaco Rampage. More research uncovered that the PCB that I had found is an early prototype and not even worth building because of how many errors it contains. At this point, I still wanted to build it because I was invested, so I found a github page where someone has updated it somewhat. There were PCB fabrication files there along with a BOM, but no instructions. The BOM is also not very good. I sent the files off to a PCB place and had 5 of these Miasmas produced. I’ve built three of those so far and made some mistakes on the first two. I’ll have to revisit those at some point soon. The third one seems to work pretty well. There are some oddities about the way it works though and I have never used a Rampage, so I am unsure if it has the same behaviors.

Some other modules from this lot that I need to complete are the Stroh / J3rk 258 Dual Oscillator and the 291 Dual Filter. These are particularly intriguing because of sets of pads meant for modifications. The lack of documentation is concerning though. I also found some Plan B Dual LPG PCBs that I don’t have a lot of information about. I believe I found the boards on the CGS website. I could totally see redesigning these old J3rk and Plan B modules with updated designs, eliminating the need for wiring panels to the PCB and condensing the components down to a more manageable design. I am unsure if the Plan B boards are even supposed to be for eurorack at all.

Until next time…

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