
Hello, I am Shawn. Since around 1997, I have carried the nickname or DJ name of Merkury. I began my music journey by playing guitar and then I got into DJing electronic music. I am specifically interested in Jungle and Drum and Bass. The natural progression was to begin experimenting with production of course, so over the years I have worked on a lot of production projects, almost exclusively in the Drum and Bass genre.

I began my modular journey back in 2017 with a Make Noise 0-Coast. That seems quaint now. Within months of that, I began building my eurorack system and building diy modules. That led to a lot of learning about electronics and how all of these audio circuits works. Fast forward to now and I have built some modules from scratch (under the name of SoundFlask), but I also still enjoy building kits or making a module from nothing more than a BOM, a PCB and a panel. You might get the PCB and Panel from SynthCube or Modular Addict. Recently, I began building some very old modules and ran into some major issues finding correct BOMs or any instructions at all. Certain parts like vactrols are also very hard to find. This led me to start thinking about refreshing some of these old designs that seem to have fallen by the wayside. Some of the problems I have noticed with these old modules are: tons of wiring, have a depth that is prohibitive, circuit design flaws, lack of documentation, and old forum posts with missing images.

Wouldn’t it be nice if those modules were updated and the DIY community had a new version? It’s a long shot, but I hope to spend some time here at merkurylabs.com making that a reality. Only time will tell if I am able to focus on this enough to make it happen. I would like to imagine some interaction from the community at some point as well.

All the best,

Shawn aka Merkury

As I set up this website, you may temporarily contact me by emailing – info at merkurylabs dot com.